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Lexington Historical Museum
112 S 13th St • 660-259-6313 Hours vary
Hours: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays
Don’t miss the elaborately decorated sword that James A. Mulligan turned over in surrender, but was later allowed to keep per orders of General Sterling Price. Stolen by a young boy shortly after Mulligan's surrender and hidden in his father's farm near Lexington, it was eventually returned to the widow of Colonial Mulligan in 1912. The family later donated the sword to the Lexington Historical Museum in 1967. See memorabilia related to the Pony Express mail service, steamboats, coal mining, Osage Indians, and the Wentworth Military Academy

Civil War Tour
In and around Lexington
An early battleground, visit key battlefields from the Civil War’s first years. On the Trail of Shelby & Price, follow their desperate attempts to wrest Missouri from Union control.

Battle of Lexington State Historic Site & Anderson House
1101 Delaware St • 660-259-4654

Salute for Service
Lexington and Higginsville
Throughout this great Nation, there are hundreds of historic battle fields, war and Veteran’s Memorials, over 3000 National Guard units, a few dozen Military Academies and most cities have VFW and American Legion Posts. Lexington has all of these, with 2 additional sites located within 10 miles at Higginsville. Here you can find active representation of our military’s past, present and future!

Santa Fe Trail Tour
Around Lexington
The Santa Fe Trail became America’s first great international commercial highway, and for nearly sixty years thereafter was one of the nation’s great routes of adventure and western expansion. With the success of the new Santa Fe Trail, most early traders traveled through Lexington. Trade goods such as tinware, tobacco, whiskey and beeswax originated in Lexington.

Wentworth Military Museum
At the corner of Business Hwy 13 and Main Street. Lexington
Come visit the Wentworth Military Museum in Lexington, a fascinating collection of history!
The exhibits represent 137 years of honor and artifacts from this distinguished military academy. Find more info and hours on Facebook.